Snarky.Live/enlist - Star Citizen Free Fly Event May 22 to June 1, 2020
Star Citizen is an PC online multiplayer first person shooter with advanced vehicles in a simulated solar system. There are planets, moons, and space stations. If you take your helmet off in space, you die. If you don’t eat or drink, you die. If you step off a stairway ‘wrong’ and break your leg and don’t get it treated, you die. If you park your spaceship in the wrong place and get a fine and let it go for a day you get a crimestat, you get killed by a bounty hunter you go to prison to mine space rocks. This game is a unique experience, it’s not even really a game, it’s a spaceperson simulator, and it is neat. It’s not for everybody, but Try it out for free this week, scroll down to learn more.
MINIMUM Specs: Win 10 Environment, Quadcore+ CPU, 16+ GB RAM, 1070+ GPU, Installation on SSD ONLY.
Snarky.Live/enlist redirects to the link my referral link.
The Star Citizen referral program is explained here it’s really just a thing to do for fun for folks who believe in the game. It’s kind of a metagame with some shady multilevel marketing elements to gather new backers who like this type of software. Backers are the marketing arm of Star Citizen through word of mouth and putting their reputations on the line.
I am a long time backer of Star Citizen and believe in this project as a concept, but not necessarily the developer’s ability to complete it fully. I recommend no person spend money on this game until it is complete to their standards of playability, and I recommend nobody spend more than the minimum starter package (typically $45) when it is to your liking. Ships from each class are available in game with in-game currency earned from doing missions and trading, do that, it’s FUN. Buying ships is reserved for ships you’ve fallen in love with (you might understand some day) and never want to have to grind for again.
This game is not particularly Pay-2-Win, but there are some elements of that. In-game upgrades trump all better variants of ships. Large ships require multiple players cooperating in an organized fashion. Organizations had a lot of money to throw at this game, so they basically built it. It is highly recommended to join an Organization, just like in Eve Online. You can join ours at Snarky.Live/Unforgivable so you can experience multicrew gameplay, it is quite amazing when you’re with folks who know the ships.
Oh yeah referrals: I receive no cash benefits for referrals, but as I enlist people I rank up in the referral program and receive non-transferrable in-game items and benefits (some of which you could probably purchase), which means I gain access to them quicker than other players. Players that enlist in Star Citizen using a referral link from a backer receive 5000 extra starting credits (UEC) than players that do not, so it is moderately helpful to join using a referral if you’re interested in playing the game.
That said:
Join us at for a Star Citizen Free Fly Event from May 22nd to June 1st, 2020.
Numerous free military ships to fly from various Star Citizen manufacturers, including Aegis and Anvil.
Visit Hologram Hall to see displays of Star Citizen ship white box models actively in development.
Hologram Hall will show ships in production to get an idea of how they are progressing.
Fly to ArcCorp’s Area 18 and visit the Bevic Convention Center to rent FREE ships during the event.
Getting to the event without a fast ship is easy. Join our organization Discord, the Unforgivables at
To join in on the Star Citizen Free Flight Week, Enlist at
We hope to see you at the event May 22 - June 1, 2020 at Snarky.Live/enlist